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Avara Sozunun Menasi: Göçebe Kültürlerde ve Tarihte Önemi

Avara Sozunun Menasi: What Does It Mean and How to Use It?

If you are learning Azerbaijani or interested in Azerbaijani culture, you may have come across the word avara. But what does it mean? How do you use it? And where does it come from? In this article, we will answer all these questions and more. We will explore the origin and meaning of avara, its usage and context in Azerbaijani language and society, its translation and comparison with other languages, and some tips on how to use it correctly and appropriately. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of this fascinating word and how to use it in your conversations.

avara sozunun menasi

The Origin and Meaning of Avara

The Etymology of Avara

The word avara comes from the Old Turkic word awar, which means "to wander" or "to roam". This word is also related to other Turkic languages, such as Turkish avare, Kazakh avar, Uzbek ovor, etc., which have similar meanings. In Azerbaijani, avara means "wanderer", "vagrant", "nomad", or "homeless". However, it also has another meaning that is more negative and derogatory. It can also mean "hypocrite", "liar", "cheater", or "traitor". This meaning is derived from the Arabic word iqama, which means "to establish" or "to settle". In Islam, iqama is also the name of the second call to prayer that is given before prayer begins. Therefore, a person who is avara is someone who does not settle in one place or one faith, but wanders around. The Synonyms and Antonyms of Avara

Some common synonyms of avara in Azerbaijani are çöl (desert), çıxma (outcast), qanunsuz (lawless), yalandan (false), nöqsanlı (deficient), etc. These words have similar meanings of being homeless, out of place, or dishonest. Some common antonyms of avara are yurd (homeland), dost (friend), sadıq (loyal), dürüst (honest), tam (complete), etc. These words have opposite meanings of being settled, friendly, faithful, or truthful.

The Grammatical Features of Avara

Avara is a noun in Azerbaijani, and it belongs to the first declension class. It has two genders: masculine and feminine. The masculine form is avara, and the feminine form is avaracı. It has two numbers: singular and plural. The singular form is avara, and the plural form is avaralar. It has six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative, and locative. The declension of avara is as follows:






















Some examples of using avara in sentences are:

avara sozunun menasi nedir

avara sozunun menasi ve ornegi

avara sozunun menasi ingilizce

avara sozunun menasi ve kokeni

avara sozunun menasi arapca

avara sozunun menasi ve etimolojisi

avara sozunun menasi ve anlami

avara sozunun menasi ve turevi

avara sozunun menasi ve zit anlamlisi

avara sozunun menasi ve es anlamlisi

avara sozunun menasi ve karsiligi

avara sozunun menasi ve kullanildigi yerler

avara sozunun menasi ve cumlede kullanimi

avara sozunun menasi ve atasozleri

avara sozunun menasi ve deyimler

avara sozunu anlatan cumleler

avara sozu ile ilgili sorular

avara sozu ile ilgili bilgiler

avara sozu ile ilgili testler

avara sozu ile ilgili oyunlar

avara sozu ile ilgili siirler

avara sozu ile ilgili hikayeler

avara sozu ile ilgili resimler

avara sozu ile ilgili videolar

avara sozu ile ilgili sarkilar

avara kelimesinin anlami nedir

avara kelimesinin anlami ve ornegi

avara kelimesinin anlami ingilizce

avara kelimesinin anlami ve kokeni

avara kelimesinin anlami arapca

avara kelimesinin anlami ve etimolojisi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve anlami

avara kelimesinin anlami ve turevi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve zit anlamlisi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve es anlamlisi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve karsiligi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve kullanildigi yerler

avara kelimesinin anlami ve cumlede kullanimi

avara kelimesinin anlami ve atasozleri

avara kelimesinin anlami ve deyimler

avaralik nedir ne demek

avaralik ne demektir ornek cumlelerle aciklayiniz

avaralik ne demektir ingilizce ceviri yapiniz

avaralik ne demektir arapca yaziniz

avaralik ne demektir etimolojik olarak inceleyiniz

  • O bir avara idi, heç bir yerdə qalmırdı. (He was a wanderer, he did not stay anywhere.)

  • Bu avaracı qadın bütün kişiləri aldadırdı. (This hypocrite woman deceived all men.)

  • Avaraların həyatı çox çətindir. (The life of the homeless is very hard.)

  • Avaraya güvənmə, səni xəyanət edər. (Do not trust the liar, he will betray you.)

  • Avaradan nə gözləyirsən? (What do you expect from the cheater?)

The Usage and Context of Avara

The Common Expressions and Idioms with Avara

There are some common expressions and idioms that use avara in Azerbaijani, and they have different meanings and usages. Here are some of them:

  • Avara kimi yaşamaq: To live like a wanderer. This means to live without a purpose, direction, or stability.

  • Avara kimi qalmaq: To remain like a wanderer. This means to be left alone, abandoned, or isolated.

  • Avara kimi gəzmək: To wander like a wanderer. This means to roam around aimlessly, without a destination or plan.

  • Avara kimi danışmaq: To talk like a hypocrite. This means to say one thing and do another, or to lie and deceive.

  • Avara kimi davranmaq: To act like a traitor. This means to betray one's friends, family, or country.

The Cultural and Social Implications of Avara

The word avara has different implications in Azerbaijani culture and society, depending on how it is used and who it is used for. It can be used to describe people, places, situations, or emotions. Here are some examples:

  • A person who is avara can be seen as either adventurous, free-spirited, and independent, or as irresponsible, unreliable, and unfaithful.

  • A place that is avara can be seen as either exotic, mysterious, and attractive, or as dangerous, hostile, and unwelcoming.

  • A situation that is avara can be seen as either exciting, challenging, and rewarding, or as risky, uncertain, and stressful.

  • An emotion that is avara can be seen as either passionate, intense, and sincere, or as volatile, unstable, and fake.

The Regional and Dialectal Variations of Avara

The word avara can be pronounced, spelled, or used differently in different regions or dialects of Azerbaijan. Here are some examples:

  • In some regions, such as Nakhchivan or Karabakh, the word avara is pronounced with an o sound instead of an a sound: ovara.

  • In some regions, such as Baku or Ganja, the word avara is spelled with an e instead of an a: avera.

  • In some regions, such as Shirvan or Lankaran, the word avara is used more positively than negatively: avara adam yaxşı adamdır (a wanderer is a good person).

  • In some regions, such as Quba or Sheki, the word avara is used more negatively than positively: avara adam pis adamdır (a wanderer is a bad person).

The Translation and Comparison of Avara

The Translation of Avara into Other Languages

The word avara can be translated into other languages, but the translation may not always capture the exact meaning or nuance of the original word. Here are some possible translations of avara into other languages, and how they differ from the original meaning:

  • English: Wanderer, vagrant, nomad, homeless, hypocrite, liar, cheater, traitor. These words are close to the meaning of avara, but they may not convey the same cultural or social implications. For example, wanderer and nomad may have positive connotations in English, but not in Azerbaijani. Hypocrite and traitor may have stronger negative connotations in English than in Azerbaijani.

  • Turkish: Avare, serseri, gezgin, evsiz, münafık, yalancı, hilekâr, hain. These words are very similar to the meaning of avara, as they are derived from the same Turkic root. However, they may have some differences in usage or context. For example, avare and serseri may be used more colloquially or humorously than avara. Gezgin may have a more neutral or positive connotation than avara. Münafık and hain may have a more religious or political connotation than avara.

  • Russian: Бродяга, бомж, кочевник, бездомный, лицемер, лжец, обманщик, предатель. These words are also close to the meaning of avara, but they may have some differences in connotation or tone. For example, бродяга and кочевник may have a more romantic or poetic connotation than avara. Бомж and бездомный may have a more pitying or sympathetic connotation than avara. Лицемер and предатель may have a more moral or ethical connotation than avara.

Persian: آواره سرگردان کوچنده بیخانمان منافق دروغگو فریبکار خائن. These words are also similar to the meaning of avara, but they may have some d

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